03 February 2009

"The Big Game" Party Food

[We aren't allowed to use the SuperBowl term because of copyright, unless that's for advertising only, but it's fun to be a butt about it, so I will use "BG" for "Big Game" and will always put it in quotes.]
I didn't think to take pics of the food until it was basically all gone, but here are the high/low lights:

We had Buffalo Chicken Wing dip (awesome, I did make that), chips (almost gone. The green ones are cilantro lime by Mission Chips. Yum) Blue cheese dressing (as dip), ranch dressing (as dip) and homemade salsa. Yup. Went to a lot of work for this one. (Drip sarcasm all over that last sentence and eat with a dash of vinegar.) The blue cheese dressing was a huge hit with Greg whose wife hates blue cheese and therefore doesn't buy the dressing. I always manage to pick something to serve when the Schaefers come over that Greg loves but doesn't get often.

Carolyn brought a plate of shrimp and crackers and cocktail sauce as well as an awesome Raspberry Zinger cake. I made brownies. Not from a box. There used to be a lot of shrimp on that plate. Those are the pink things hiding up in the right section. They didn't want their picture taken. There are people like that in every group. Annoying.
Bernadette and Jeff brought rumaki - the water chestnuts wrapped in bacon and baked with sauce on them. They were GONE before I thought to take pics, and didn't think an empty and clean crockpot would be exactly artful. Or whatev'.

Son Daniel brought and cut up a melon so we would have some healthy, fibrous food to eat. Well, I did have a plate of broccoli, carrots and zucchini, and a bowl of celery. There was not one item left from those, either. My son, who was raised on NO SUGAR or CHOCOLATE for the first 2 years of his life, and very little thereafter; who ate WHOLE GRAIN EVERYTHING FROM THE WOMB UP and NEVER ate a meal at my house that didn't include AT LEAST one vegetable, and rarely (if ever) included opening a box or can unless it was Uncle Ben's rice or tomato sauce or something like that, thinks I don't serve healthy food ever and assumes that I will have only fatty, sugary, and non-fibrous foods when I cook or serve meals/parties. That's because he has discovered for himself what I taught him passively all those years about good eating. Just because in the past 5 years I have grown weary of meal planning and cooking...Geez.

Overall, I consider it successful if: everyone got enough to eat without being stuffed and there were no leftovers. They did and there weren't.

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