29 April 2009

Monster from the bathroom sink

Imagine my surprise this noon when, while brushing my pearly whites (or pearly beiges), I looked down and saw something growing out of the overflow drains in the sink! Here is a photo, sink hairs and all. This opened up all sorts of questions in my mind. What the...? was the first.
When I went to pull it out - I kept pulling and pulling. This thing is a mile long! How in the world did it get there? What the heck is it, Eggar? What kind of gunk lives in that drain that would be even half hospitable to a plant to grow in? Can I start growing sprouts in my sink overflow drains as a second income? WHAT PUT THE SEED THERE?

To say that I'm mildly puzzled is an understatement.


maskedbadger said...

in answer to that all caps question: probably seed gnomes. they used to flourish here in NY but most of their habitats were destroyed in the fifties. i would assume they migrated westerly and are planting seeds in an effort to expand their territory.

now it all really depends on whether you want seed gnomes living in your bathroom. i understand they're a bit like brownies and might do some light cleaning, so i'd say let the plants grow and see what you get in return from the gnomes.

of course, some sort of seed might have blown in an open window, but that's not nearly as exciting as the possibility of tiny gnomes scrubbing your toilet while you sleep.

CLU said...

Oh, if only they were to scrub the toilet! I would grow a garden in my sink, since the toilet does not seem to get clean itself. Alas.